Digital Publishing and Production: A Student Perspective

As my first week back at college comes to a close, a variety of thoughts start to flood my mind. I begin to look back on the last five years of my life and reflect on how far I’ve come and I’m overwhelmed with emotion knowing that I’ve finally turned the last page on this chapter of my life. I also feel a strange sense of anxiety, as I know I must now prepare for the ‘real world’ and utilize the tools I’ve gained throughout my college career. But again, I wonder… “What have I learned? Will it actually be useful? What if I don’t know what I need to know?”

These questions have continued to plague my mind, even as I enter my last semester of school. I know I’ve learned an immense amount of information, but what more can I learn that will really increase my knowledge and allow me to delve further into this field. This question is what ultimately led me to enroll in this course, Journalism 3200: Digital Publishing and Production.

I think this course is incredibly important for all Journalism students to take, as it opens the door into the modern world of Journalism. As the Internet becomes more and more prevalent in todays society, a shift in traditional news writing and reporting can be seen. It is imperative that today’s young professionals not only understand these new trends, but also are able to apply these new techniques to their own work. From this course, I hope to take away a true understanding of what ‘digital’ means as applied to Journalism; I hope to gain the tools I need that will allow me to delve into the digital world of media; and I hope to leave with the feeling of accomplishment, knowing that I can now enter the ‘real world’ with no doubts in my mind.